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Home » Meeting with Maitolaturi for cooperation on older people's issues

Meeting with Maitolaturi for cooperation on older people's issues

In September, a new open and free club for all elderly people, called MAITOLAITURI, will be launched in the Matara Civic Activity Centre. Teh event is organised in cooperation with Monikko ry, Matara, Keski-Suomen Yhteisöjen Tuki ry:n project Löydä Iloa Arkeen and Muistiyhdistys project Muistisilta. In the spring planning meetings, the club came up with this interesting but traditional name, MAITOLAITURI. In Finland, the dairy farm has always been a common meeting place for villagers! People come there to meet friends and acquaintances, to get to know new people, to chat and exchange news. It can also be a place to exchange information and goods. The Matara Maitolaituri Club starts on Tuesday 10 of September and meets seven times on odd-numbered Tuesdays until the 3'd of December. The club is scheduled for 13.00-14.30. The meeting place is the Hilla meeting room in Matara (Matarankatu 6A, Jyväskylä), but in case of good weather we will be outside in the courtyard - for example to play some traditional yard games! The club's themes include health, especially brain health, well-being, community, knowledge and skills. For more information about the club, contact Sirpa Pekkarinen, Monikko Association, tel. 044 248 7177, association.monikko(at) Welcome to Maitolaituri!