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Home » Paloma nature and recreation day in Jämsä

Paloma nature and recreation day in Jämsä

As summer turns to autumn, we all go together to Heräpirtti in Jämsä! On Thursday 22 August, we will explore the nature trails and play outdoor games in the nearby forest with the help of a nature guide. Maybe the forest will also give us berries and mushrooms? The more enthusiastic ones can fish and heat up the sauna. Sauna and swimming are possible, so bring your own suitable equipment! In case of good weather, we will have a barbecue and picnic outside for everyone, otherwise meals will be served inside the Heräpirtti. Personal contribution for the day 10 € to be paid in cash in the bus or at the bus station. Please note: pre-registration by Fri 16.8. to Moniko's office, tel. 044 248 7177 or There is a bus service from Jyväskylä to Jämsä, which leaves at 09 am from Huhtasuo. The bus runs on the route Huhtasuo Nevakatu - Kangasvuorentie - Seppälän ABC - Keljon Citymarket - Jämsä. Heräpirtti's address is Heräkulma 230 (Jämsä), where you can also come by car or carpool. The recreation day at Heräpirtti ends at 16:00, when the return bus to Jyväskylä leaves.
Heräpirtti is a school in Heräjärvi built in 1919. Heräjärvi, or Luomajärvi as it was then called, was established in 1907. The school closed in 1967. The former school building, Heräpirtti, is now owned by Robert Savolainen from Jämsä. The building's large lawn, formerly the school's sports field, borders a forest and a lake. So peaceful nature is close by. For more information about the day, contact the Moniko office tel. 044 248 7177.
